This Vancouver House belongs to David Jones and Kim Vaage Jones, and we can assure you that is an amazing place. Stay with us and discover everything!

David Jones and Kim Vaage Jones are the owners of this outstanding Vancouver House! They have met when they were in 6th grade and now they have three kids, a dog, and a place that is their family home, where they feel safe.

It is located in the North Vancouver neighborhood of Edgemont Village and they bought it at the beginning of 2017. Su Casa Design was the design studio that was chosen to complete the design.

According to the couple, “The views of the mountain are great, but what we really wanted was a place where our kids could safely run and play, while the neighbors are out socializing with one another.”. Also, they wanted something that reminded them of their childhood homes, which is a very particular wish!

Kelly Deck, the interior designer, get along instantly with the couple and knew what they wanted. Deck said that “Kim and David both came with a clear vision, so our job was just extracting that vision and placing it in a well-defined environment,”. The couple wanted class and sophistication side by side with a family unique space.

David and Kim say that “We’re very fortunate with our children,”. “Of course they love to run and play, but they also have a sense of ownership of their space. We want them to have a rewarding childhood, and with that comes a calmness in their home and in their rooms.”

Both Kim and David are really attached to their home families. So, they wanted to pass that out to their children. They never lived in one place for more than five years, when David was a Hockey Player. For that reason, the idea of living in the same place for 20 years, seems the best for them!

We can guarantee you that this is an authentic Vancouver House, where family values reign and are the most important. When a home matches so well with these values and their family members, everything is in the right place.

Create the perfect environment for your children and teach them how to value their places! But always, with a sense of responsibility and fun at the same time.

Credits to: Architectural Digest