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Indoor Plants for 2022 – According to the Opinion of Experts

Indoor Plants are always a good idea, because they can transform the place where they are. Besides that, there’s fresh and pure air everyday in every room. Get to know the opinion of four experts regarding this theme! Larger Houseplants 2022 is the year for Indoor Plants. One of the experts is Maryah Greene and she says that “larger houseplants are going to be the statement pieces of next year.” Hilton Carter, another experts, believes that the Ficus Audrey (a plant) can grow up to 50 feet and has the ability to transform a place. Climbing Plants Jarema Osofsky is interior designer and landscape designer, she believes that flowering plants will be the main trend for 2022. “…as well as plants that climb like Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, which really takes on a sculptural quality as it climbs,” . She also says that “By bringing flowers and vining plants indoors, the goal should be recreating what you’d experience and see outside. Jarema adds, “You can even guide vining plants with hooks or use them to frame a window in your home to give a jungle feel.” Ferns Hilton says the ferns do a very good job in rooms with high humidity. “They grow a nice trunk, becoming more like an interesting blend of fern and palm.” Ferns work as self-care plants and they are perfect. Maryah says that They get a bad rap because they are kind of difficult to care for. But I have a client who only has ferns. And it is truly their meditative process.”. We can conclude that Indoor Plants are always a good idea, and they will be a choice for 2022. Credits to: Architectural Digest

Design Trends for 2022 – According to the Design Experts

Design Trends for 2022 seems to be the right to begin the day! The new year is just around the corner and we want you to know everything! To begin this article we have something that Gemma Robert, head of Interiors at WGSN, said “Rather than specific trends declining, we are seeing the lines between different styles blurring,”. She gives as example, the minimalist and the maximalism, and how both styles are closer than ever. The Curves At this particular moment, we ain’t ready for sharp edges, so we keep the curved interior design. Riberti believes that “Comfy, curvilinear, welcoming forms will be paramount,” she says. “Not necessarily plump and over-the-top exaggerated, but soft to the eye and the hand to create an overall relaxed and comfortable feel within the space.” Sensorial Moves One of the most important Design Trends for 2022 is the sensorial experience you can provide at your home. The interiors need to feel as good as they look, and this is something important to keep in mind. Lisa White, one of the experts, believes that “Scent has taken center stage during the pandemic, and people are scenting specific areas of their home with different scents as a way of inhabiting space with all of their senses,”. Contemporary Conservatories All the interior design experts have one thing in common, their collective yen for biophilia. But they believe that for 2022 it will become more sophisticated. White says that people want to bring the outdoor design to the indoor. “We will see the rise of the indoor tree—especially lemon trees and olive trees—taking center stage in large pots.” Landscape Unique Colors and Textures Earthy tones, greens and blues, are always good choices to decor a home. Michelle Lamb, the editorial director at The Trend Curve says that “Perhaps because humanity has never needed the healing powers of nature more than we do at this moment, there is a quest to take this approach even deeper.” 

Chinese Feng Shui Philosophy – How to Decor a Home!

Chinese Feng Shui Philosophy is a unique way to decor a home. It is getting more and more popular for designers and interior decorators! Let’s find out more about it! Feng Shui is a Chinese Philosophy that has as main objective, plan interior design spaces that serve well being and happiness. Feng means wind (something that we cannot see), and shui mean water (something intangible). From here, we can conclude that our lives can be ruled by forces that are invisible and intangible. Chinese Feng Shui Philosophy has a deep connection with astrology and how the stars affect us. Regarding interior design, Feng Shui design will give the right energy to your home. This unique philosophy helps us understand which patterns, colors, objects and texture we should choose and in which areas. That way we will find balance and positive vibes at home. This interior design style gives specific details that we must follow. Just like objects, accessories, that we should choose in order to achieve this particular style. Feng Shui is related to three different ancient Chinese astrology concepts: the five elements, yin & yang, and nine life areas. The five elements (fire, wood, earth, water and metal) are related to specific color palettes and specific season as well. They interact in different ways. Wood means growth and vitality, but can be destroyed by fire and metal. But water helps the trees grow. The season of wood is Spring. Fire means red color and summer and he is the strongest of the elements. Passion, love and energy, but also expansion, and transformation. Earth is the basics of feng shui philosophy, because it gives us life and feeds us.  Metal leads us to intelligence. Which means that is good to place in the office or study room. Water is the most vital element of the five. Help us to relax, it’s the element of winter! YIN & YANG Yin & Yang means balance, so it’s present in the relaxation spots of the house. Last, but not least, the Bagua Map with nine life areas that will help you planning the spaces that will cover all of these life areas in your house. The nine areas are, wealth, fame, love, family, health, children, wisdom, career and helpful people. Feng Shui will provide you bright, positives vibes and powerful colors! That way, your house will be even more complete!

Bathroom Luxury-Design – Lighting Fixtures That Will Fit Perfectly

Bathroom Luxury-Design needs a little touch and by that we mean, the perfect lighting fixture to complete the set! Find three expert tips that will help you! 1st Step – Choose the Right Lighting Fixtures A few lights come near to copying common light, and those are the ones to select. Cautious perceptions require more grounded light, but a dim light is calm and romantic. A lavatory calls for both. You may need to dodge outfitting your space with as well cool lights and can grant off a clinical, fluorescent feel. 2nd Step – Place Them Wisely There must be a few lights between your confront and the reflect. Look for out a blend of lighting sorts so you’ll minister your lighting encounter all through the day and depend on the activity. When choosing lavatory lighting, for usefulness, you truly must have an overhead light. You’ll put them with sconces alongside or over the mirror to form the reflection more pleasing. 3rd Step – Natural Light Is Always A Good Idea Another tip: including a washroom sky-facing window can make a tremendous effect. For the most part, will make you need to spend as much time as conceivable dousing within the tub or getting spoiled at your vanity. The leading thing you’ll do is bring in parcels of natural light. So make beyond any doubt window medicines let the light pour in. In case you’re planning a modern domestic or remodeling, the leading put to put a lavatory is confronting north: since it makes a delicate, diffused light. Bathroom Luxury-Design is now ready!

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