Air-Purifying Plants to Bring a New Life to Your Home
Air purifying plants are natural wonders – these plants really cleanse toxins from the air in your home, in addition to making spaces more beautiful and cozy. There are many benefits to having plants indoors. They help to purify the air and create a relaxing atmosphere, but they also serve as a decorative accessory. Whatever the style or architecture, a beautiful vase filled with green always brings more beauty and elegance! “Plants naturally remove toxins from the air, inspire creativity and focus, increase mental health, serve as natural humidifiers, and bring life to a home,” explains interior plant designer Lisa Muñoz of Leaf and June. Are you one of those people who can’t resist a good plant, but you’re not sure which are the best species to have inside your house? We leave you with a list of 15 perfect plants to have indoors. Aloe Vera This incredibly versatile plant is just as good at clearing the air as it is at soothing burns and scrapes. Place the plant in a place with plenty of light and use pots with plenty of drainages. As for watering, avoid doing it frequently, as aloe is susceptible to excess water. Aloe vera filters toxins including benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. Golden Pothos This leafy vine can be hung in midair or set on a shelf to climb all the way across it. Also known as the Devil’s Ivy, it grows steadily in low light or fluorescent light. Golden pothos plants filter toxins like toluene, formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene. It’s one of the easiest plants out there to keep alive. Peace Lily Evoking peace and tranquility, the peace lily is a great idea for indoor plants. Despite its delicate beauty, it is easy to treat and very suitable for beginning gardeners. This stunning plant grows up to 16 inches and boasts gorgeous white blooms beginning in summer. Rubber tree The color can be burgundy or regular green: rubber trees will produce lots of oxygen—more than any other plant, in fact! In addition to producing oxygen and eliminating air toxins, the rubber tree effectively removes mold spores and bacteria from the air (by up to 60%).Fighting off mold and bacteria is part of the plant’s defense mechanism to protect its soil. Rubber trees can be your new best friend. Daisy Barberton Daisy, als known as Gerbera Daisy, produces one of the happiest flowers, and it is also a powerful air purifier. Barberton daisies filter toxinssuch as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. Snake Plant Snake plants are easy to grow and happy in all kinds of lighting situations. This air-cleaning plant is also commonly referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue, thanks to the sharpness of its upward-growing green leaves. Beautiful, elegant, and resistant, the snake plant is a great option for different environments! Of African origin, she is believed to ward off bad energy. The beauty of this plant is enough to want it indoors.She does well in half-shade environments, but she also loves direct sunlight. It adapts to the vessel you are in, so keep an eye out if you need to transplant after a while. Phytonia Also called a mosaic plant, phytonia attracts attention due to its exotic beauty. Its colorful foliage can have different shades of pink, reddish or white, in beautiful designs that resemble a work of art. It has many small leaves, creating an interesting and flashy landscape. Perfect for those who want a brighter touch in their decor. They are native to tropical forests and enjoy a lot of humidity. Therefore, they must be watered daily. Bamboo Palm This plant thrives in humidity, so consider placing one in your bathroom. The more light a bamboo palm gets, the taller it will grow. At full size, the fluffy-leafed beauty can be anywhere between four and 12 feet. Famingo Lily Anthurium Scherzerianum is the scientify name. This colorful plant’s blooms look like flamingos, which is why, fittingly, it’s also called the Flamingo Lily. With a beautiful flower of strong colors, the anthurium is excellent for those who want a more vibrant decoration! The plant is a classic of landscaping and adapts perfectly well indoors. The most common flowers are a beautiful bright red. It is a half-shade plant, and the direct sun can be harmful. They like water, and by watering twice a week, their anthurium will grow up happy and healthy. Chinese Evergreen The correct full name is Algonema Silver Bay Chinese Evergreen. Happy in any kind of lighting, these “Chinese evergreens” are known to increase productivity, concentration, and memory while also reducing stress and boosting mood. Chinese evergreens come in a wide variety of shades including pink, red, orange, yellow, and gray. What really is your favorite color? Spider Plant Spider plants are gorgeous, sprawling greens that clean the air and are pet-friendly! NASA’s study found that spider plants were able to remove 95% of chemicals from the air in 24 hours. Spider plants filter toxins such as carbon monoxide, benzene, styrene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. Succulents Succulents are in fashion, and it’s not surprising. They do not need a lot of water, as they are of desert origin, propagate easily and do well anywhere in a house – whether it has a lot of light or little. For your succulent to thrive even more, water it only when the soil is dry, and keep it in a more humid place, with lots of direct sunlight. Succulents are perfect for those who love having green at home but don’t have much time for gardening. These plants come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, pleasing all tastes. Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemums (often called mums) are one of the most vibrant houseplants thanks to their beautiful flowers that bloom in white and a variety of vivid colors, including yellow, red, orange, lavender, and purple.The hard part will be choosing your favorite color! Philodendron Heartleaf Philodendrons (including heart-leaf, elephant ear, and sellous philodendrons) are all effective air-purifying plants. Philodendrons filter toxins like formaldehyde. White Jewel In addition to purifying the air, the Dracaena …